Eastern Province Rugby Union


Eastern Province Rugby

The Eastern Province Rugby Union was founded in 1888, and has remained a formidable opponent within the South African and International Rugby arena. EPRU is home to many big names in the world of rugby and will continue to to birth great rugby legends.

Club affairs

The latest club affairs and developments, from EP schools rugby to the Currie Cup first division.

Women’s rugby

For all you news relating to the EPRU and its operations and the latest blog posts from the EP team.

Provincial affairs

Want to check up on the provincial affairs of the club?

Get in touch


Imatu House, 70 Prince Alfred Road, Sydenham, Port Elizabeth,6001

Contact Us

Phone : + 27 41 8902

Email : reception@eprugby.co.za

Our Hours

MON-FRI 08:00 – 17:00

SAT  08:00 – 17:00